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藥品作用「口語」、「美式」 的說法

執業生活遇到老外時 , 會不會慣用藥理學上的說法來解釋藥品的作用呢 ? 以下整理一些 藥品作用較貼近美式口語的講法


止痛藥  painkiller ,pain reliever
減肥藥  diet drug, weight loss drug
安眠藥  sleeping pill
以前都說 hypnotic 發現老外都聽不懂 不知是太難 還是 ?????

助眠劑 sleeping aid
管制藥 controlled substance / drug
制酸劑 acid reducer
胃藥 stomach medicine
健胃劑 / 消化劑 : peptic medicine
感冒藥 cold medicine
退燒藥 fever reducer / meds in reducing a fever


語 原 語 英 譯 中 譯
aa.aa ana of each 各
a.c ante cibos before meals 飯前
ad. ad up to 加至
add. adde add 加
alt. alt alternating 交替,輪換
A.M. ante meridiem before noon 上午
Amp. ampulla ampuls 安瓿
aq. aqua water 水
aq.dest. aqua destillata distilled water 蒸餾水
b.i.d bis in die twice a day 1天兩次
cap. capsula capsules 膠囊
chart. charta pakage 1包
cito! cito! quickly 趕快
conc. concentratus concentrated 濃的
d. dies day 1天
d.,dos. dosis doses 量
dil. dilutus dilute 稀釋

醫院掛號遇老外? 如何用英文溝通 掛號, 欠卡押單, 還單退錢這些術語

May I help you , Mr. / Madam ?
Is there anything I can do for you ?
What can I do for you , Mr. / Madam ?

What's wrong with you , Mr. / Miss.?
What's the matter with you, Mr. / Miss. ?
Which department would you like to be registered ?

Now let me help you with registration .
I help you with registration before seeing a doctor.
Let me help you register in advance.


服藥說明 -- 名詞解釋 ( Definition of terms )

飯前 : 飯前1小時服( 使) 用
Before meal : take medication 1 hour before a meal

空腹服用 : 進食前 1 小時或進食後 2 小時
Empty stomach : take medication 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal

與食物併服 : with food/ meals
進食後立即服藥 : take medication immediately after a meal

飯後 : 飯後1小時服( 使) 用
After meal : take medication 1 hour after a meal
