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藥品作用「口語」、「美式」 的說法

執業生活遇到老外時 , 會不會慣用藥理學上的說法來解釋藥品的作用呢 ? 以下整理一些 藥品作用較貼近美式口語的講法


止痛藥  painkiller ,pain reliever
減肥藥  diet drug, weight loss drug
安眠藥  sleeping pill
以前都說 hypnotic 發現老外都聽不懂 不知是太難 還是 ?????

助眠劑 sleeping aid
管制藥 controlled substance / drug
制酸劑 acid reducer
胃藥 stomach medicine
健胃劑 / 消化劑 : peptic medicine
感冒藥 cold medicine
退燒藥 fever reducer / meds in reducing a fever
避孕藥 birth control pill; the Pills ( P 通常要大寫 )
事後避孕丸 morning after pill
延經藥 pills for postponing one's period ( period : MC )
催經藥  OC pill for making one's peroid on early.
暈車( 船 )藥 : medicine to prevent motion sickness
暈機藥 airsick medicine
生髮劑 hair loss products ( Advecia, Avacor, propecia )
染髮劑 tint

the medicine is for 臨床症狀 ( clinical symptoms )
e.g. constipation, diarrhea , fever , headache, motion sicknes....etc

眼藥水 eye drops
止癢藥膏 ointment for itching
香港腳藥膏 ointment for Athlete's feet ( Tinea Pedis ) 漱口藥 gargle
驅蟲藥 repellent
除毛劑 depilatory
護唇膏 lip blam  無色 , lip gloss  有色
除痘藥膏 acne treatment cream 如 Clearasil cream


解酒藥/ 液 hangover pills , hangover remedy products
喉糖 lozenge , herbal lozenge , throat drops,
營養補給品 dietary supplements
魚油 fish oil
萬靈丹 panacea
吸油面紙  oil- blotting paper
衛生棉 menstrual pad
衛生棉條 Tampon
護墊 Liners or Pantiliners